Scientists believe SuperBug will lead to Doomsday

22 05 2008


A strain of bacteria or virus that is resistant to all forms of anti-biotics or anti-viral medication is a strong possibility in the demise of the human civilization. If there is a superbug out there that we can’t kill, eventually it will wipe us out off this planet completely. One true example is the Black Plague, or Black Death that ravished this planet during the 1340s killing approximately 75 million people worldwide. Without the discovery of penicillin, this planet would be far different than it is today.

Taken from

Doc­tors are run­ning out of treat­ments for trau­ma vic­tims and crit­ic­ally ill pa­tients be­cause of in­fec­tions from drug re­sist­ant mi­crobes – even af­ter re­sort­ing to medicines thrown out 20 years ago be­cause of se­vere side ef­fects, sci­en­tists are re­port­ing.

A cluster of the bac­te­ria Aci­ne­to­bac­ter bau­man­ni
(Cour­tesy CDC/ Ja­nice Carr)

“Doc­tors in many coun­tries have gone back to us­ing old an­ti­bi­otics that were aban­doned… be­cause their tox­ic side ef­fects were so fre­quent and so bad,” said Mat­thew Fala­gas of the Alfa In­sti­tute of Bi­o­med­i­cal Sci­ences in Ath­ens, Greece and Tufts Uni­vers­ity School of Med­i­cine in Bos­ton, Mass.

“But su­per­bugs like Acine­to­bac­ter have chal­lenged doc­tors all over the world by now be­com­ing re­sist­ant to these old­er and con­sid­ered more dan­ger­ous med­i­cines.” Fala­gas is set to re­port the find­ings at April 1 at the So­ci­e­ty for Gen­er­al Mi­cro­bi­ol­o­gy’s annual meet­ing this week in Ed­in­burgh.

“Even col­istin,” an an­ti­bi­ot­ic disco­vered 60 years ago, “has re­cently been used as a sal­vage rem­e­dy to treat pa­tients with Acine­to­bac­ter in­fec­tions,” said Fala­gas. “And it was suc­cess­ful for a while, but now it oc­ca­sion­ally fails due to re­cent ex­ten­sive use that has caused the bac­te­ria to be­come re­sist­ant, lead­ing to prob­lem su­per­bugs… re­sist­ant to all avail­a­ble an­ti­bi­otics.”

Re­cent work by Greek re­search­ers has re­vealed Acine­to­bac­ter is more deadly than pre­vi­ously thought, Fala­gas added: it does­n’t just cause se­vere in­fec­tions, it kills un­ex­pectedly high num­bers of pa­tients. Acine­to­bac­ter can cause pneu­mo­nia, skin and wound in­fec­tions and some­times men­in­gi­tis.

The sci­en­tists iden­ti­fied a range of drug re­sist­ant strate­gies be­ing used by the bac­te­ria, in­clud­ing the pro­duc­tion of chem­i­cals which can in­ac­ti­vate the drug treat­ments, cell pumps that can bail out the drug mo­le­cules from in­side bac­te­ri­al cells mak­ing them in­ef­fec­tive, and mu­tat­ing the drug tar­get sites. This makes the drug mo­le­cules miss spe­cif­ic re­gions of the bac­te­ri­al cells that they were aim­ing for.

“There have al­ready been se­vere prob­lems with crit­ic­ally ill pa­tients due to Acine­to­bac­ter bau­man­nii in­fec­tions in var­i­ous coun­tries,” said Fala­gas. “In some cases we have simply run out of treat­ments and we could be fac­ing a pan­dem­ic.”

To view the entire article, click HERE

Posted by: D.Dig

We’re All Gonna Die!

21 05 2008

Check out this article by going over the major doomsday theories. Some of the major topics reviewed are: Chemical weapons, Germ Warfare, Chain Reactions, Nanobots, Black holes, Magnetic Pole Shifts, Super Volcanoes, climate change, and Killer Asterioids.

Taken from

Omigod, Earth’s core is about to explode, destroying the planet and everything on it! That is, unless a gigantic asteroid strikes first. Or an advanced physics experiment goes haywire, negating space-time in a runaway chain reaction. Or the sun’s distant companion star, Nemesis, sends an untimely barrage of comets our way. Or …

Not long ago, such cosmic thrills, chills, and spills were confined to comic books, sci-fi movies, and the Book of Revelation. Lately, though, they’ve seeped into a broader arena, filling not only late-night talk radio, where such topics don’t seem particularly out of place, but also earnest TV documentaries, slick mass-market magazines, newspapers, and a growing number of purportedly nonfiction books. Everywhere you turn, pundits are predicting biblical-scale disaster. In many scenarios, mankind is the culprit, unleashing atmospheric carbon dioxide, genetically engineered organisms, or runaway nanobots to exact a bitter revenge for scientific meddling. But even if human deployment of technology proves benign, Mother Nature will assert her primacy through virulent pathogens, killer asteroids, marauding comets, exploding supernovas, and other such happenstances of mass destruction.

Fringe thinking? Hardly. Sober PhDs are behind these thoughts. Citing the hazard of genetically engineered viruses, eminent astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has said, “I don’t think the human race will survive the next thousand years.” Martin Rees, the knighted British astronomer, agrees; he gives us a 50-50 chance. Serious thinkers such as Pulitzer Prize winner Laurie Garrett, author of The Coming Plague, and Bill Joy, who wrote Wired‘s own 2000 article “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us,” warn of techno-calamity. Stephen Petranek, editor in chief of the science monthly Discover, crisscrosses the world lecturing on “15 Major Risks to the World and Life as We Know It.” University of Maryland arms-control scholar John Steinbruner is lobbying organizations like the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the World Medical Association to establish an international review board with the power to ban research into the Pandora’s box of biomedicine.

If we’re talking about doomsday – the end of human civilization – many scenarios simply don’t measure up. A single nuclear bomb ignited by terrorists, for example, would be awful beyond words, but life would go on. People and machines might converge in ways that you and I would find ghastly, but from the standpoint of the future, they would probably represent an adaptation. Environmental collapse might make parts of the globe unpleasant, but considering that the biosphere has survived ice ages, it wouldn’t be the final curtain. Depression, which has become 10 times more prevalent in Western nations in the postwar era, might grow so widespread that vast numbers of people would refuse to get out of bed, a possibility that Petranek suggested in a doomsday talk at the Technology Entertainment Design conference in 2002. But Marcel Proust, as miserable as he was, wrote Remembrance of Things Past while lying in bed.

Of course, some worries are truly worrisome. Nuclear war might extinguish humanity, or at least bring an end to industrial civilization. The fact that tensions among the US, Russia, and China are low right now is no guarantee they’ll remain so. Beyond the superpowers, India and Pakistan have demonstrated nuclear capability; North Korea either has or soon will have it; Japan may go nuclear if North Korea does; Iran and other countries could join the club before long. Radiation-spewing bombs raining from the sky would, no doubt, be cataclysmic. If you’re in the mood to keep yourself up at night, nuclear war remains a good subject to ponder. But reversal of the planet’s magnetic field?

At a time of global unease, worst-case scenarios have a certain appeal, not unlike reality TV. And it’s only natural to focus on danger; if nature hadn’t programmed human beings to be wary, the species might not have gotten this far. But a little perspective is in order. Let’s review the various doomsday theories, from least threatening to most. If the end is inevitable, at least there won’t be any surprises.

To view the entire article, click HERE

Posted by: D.Dig

2012, a death by FIRE?

19 05 2008


Image credit to


Here is a great article regarding the recent environmental changes on Earth as connections to a future doomsday in 2012. The articles goes into such topics as solar storms, earthquakes, and polar shifts. There is also information regarding the Mayan Calender and the Bible. Will we die by fire in 2012?
FIRE 2012 Doomsday Fire Death FIRE 2012 Doomsday Fire Death FIRE 2012 Doomsday

Taken from

There has been much talk of late about the supposed doomsday prediction of December 21, 2012 as reflected in the Mayan long calendar. Most of the ancient Mayan codices were burned by Spanish monks in 1521 as works of the devil. A few survived including the so called Dresden Codex. This 74 page codex written on tree bark and apparently from the famous Mayan temple and observatory at Chichen Itza was sent by Cortes to Emperor Charles V in 1519. Somehow it found its way to the Royal Library at the Court of Saxony in Dresden where it was purchased from a private collector by Johann Christian Goetze. While it was damaged by the fire bombing of Dresden during WWII, much has survived.

From this work, which was written between 1200 and 1250 AD, numerous astronomical and calendar data points were found including information on eclipses, the transit of the planet Venus as well as information on the motion of the moon, stars and the sun. It has been determined by research scholars that the Mayan long count calendar ends on which equates to our date of December 21, 2012 at 10AM GMT. On that day it has been surmised the end will come.

According to my research, many have tried to tie this upcoming apocalyptic winter solstice day with a solar shift, solar storms, and a transit of Venus as well as with severe earthquakes. Is there any truth to these allegations? According to some astronomers, on this day our solar system will intersect with the Galactic Equator which only happens every 26,000 years. Since the Mayan calendar began in 3114 BC, they had never experienced anything like this before. The Mayans called this event the Sacred Tree. This alignment with the center of the galaxy also allows for maximum mass and thus maximum gravity.

According to the National Earthquake Information Service of the US Geological Survey, earthquakes have gradually increased from 1 severe quake between 1890 and 1899 to 765 from 2000-2004. Could this be due to our solar systems movement towards this Galactic Equator?

NASA predicts that a terrific solar storm will hit the earth in 2012 which will be 30-50 percent greater than anything before it. I believe that there has been global warming over the past decades but it is related to sunspot activity on the sun not carbon dioxide emissions. The sun has gotten hotter and that has affected the earth. A massive solar blast from the sun in 2012 could burn up the earth as could a collision with an asteroid or a comet.

There has even been talk of a polar shift which could disrupt the functioning of the entire earth and could change the axis of rotation. Such a shift has taken place in our geologic past and could happen again. If it happened on December, 21, 2012, it would truly be a day to remember.

This apocalyptic date of December 21, 2012 is also supposedly found in Hopi myths, the I-Ching, Aztec writings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Roman Oracles, writing of Seneca Elders, the chief Shaman of the Cherokee Tribe in NC, and even the writings of Nostradamus, The Russian mathematician Sergey Smelyakov of Khartov University taking the constant Phi (1.6180339), the so called Golden Mean or the Fibonacci sequence, and applying it to solar activity and planetary orbits, found that everything seemed to spiral in on itself on December 21, 2012 implying a time implosion or point of bifurcation.

The planet Venus is set to make a transit across the face of the sun on December 21, 2012 which happens very infrequently. It did happen recently, however, on June 8, 2004 which means it will happen again in eight years which is very unusual but predicted by the Mayans.

I cannot tell you for certain that the earth will be consumed by fire in 2012 or that there will be a polar shift or severe earthquakes, but I can tell you with certainty that one day in the not too distant future it will be consumed by fire and experience a polar shift and severe earthquakes. I can say that because the word of God says so and it did beginning over 2700 years ago, long before the Mayans or the Aztecs or the Hopi or the Seneca or the I-Ching or Nostradamus.

Once before because of its sin the earth was destroyed by water in the Great Flood of Noah’s day but the Bible says that the world will be destroyed again, this time by fire.

“The present heavens and earth, by His word, are being reserved for fire, kept for the Day of Judgment and the destruction of ungodly men” (2Peter 3:7).

“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up” (2Peter 3:10).

“The sun scorched men with fire” (Revelation 16:8).

“A third of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees were burned up and all the green grass was burned up. A great mountain (asteroid?) burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died and a third of the ships were destroyed. And a great star (comet?) fell from heaven burning like a torch and it fell on a third of the rivers and springs of water (Revelation 8:7-11).

“The inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left” (Isaiah 24:6).

“The hills melt and the earth is burned up” (Nahum 1:5).

Once again, many have associated December 21, 2012 with a shift in the poles as well as signs in the sky. What does the Bible tell us about these events?

“The stars will fall from the sky” (Matthew 24:29).

If the earth shifts on its axis and we are thrown around, the stars will appear to fall but it will actually be us that are moving.

“The earth is broken asunder. The earth is split through. The earth is shaken violently. Thee earth reels to and fro like a drunkard and it totters like a shack “(Isaiah 24:19-20).

Once again a shift in the polar axis might tear the earth apart.

“There will be great earthquakes. The sun became black like sackcloth; the moon became like blood.The stars of the sky fell to the earth… The sky split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up.every mountain and island moved out of their place’ (Revelation 6:12-14).

More shaking of the earth.

“There will be great earthquakes and in various places plagues and famines and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. There will be signs in the sun and the moon and stars and upon the earth great dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves. Men fainting from fear as the powers of heaven will be shaken” (Luke 21:9, 25-26).

Here we see the Bible tell us about signs in the heavens spoken of in relation to December 21, 2012. But what do we do when we see these things happening?

“When you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I say to you that this generation will not pass away until all things take place.But when these things begin to take place straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:31,32, 28).

God assures us that:

“Heaven and earth will pass away but My words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).

Some people ask why God takes so long to punish the ungodly:

“The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2Peter 3:9).

Remember this as the end fast approaches.

To view the entire article, click HERE

5,388 Near-Earth Asteroids exist waiting to erraticate us

18 05 2008


Image taken from, Image credit to Stéphane Guisard


According to the article, “The Sky is Falling” in there are 5,388 Near-Earth asteroids and comets known to exist with 741 at least one-kilometer across or more. So whats chilling about this? NASA defines a global calamity asteroid as one one-kilometer across or more. That means we have 741 chances of Doomsday by astrological causes. Many scientist and geologist believe that this is what caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs and the ice age. So you might be asking yourself, the chances of a collision are pretty low, so lets assume its not going to impact and just flyby, what then? According to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in California, this exact scenario happened almost 13,000 years ago with the passing of two large space rocks. This flyby lead to erratic global climate changes and ultimately the extinction of many plant and animal species.

Earth asteroid impacts have been understated in the media and through our educational system, we need to rethink the idea that we are independent from the harms of the space system and realize that we are part of this system where harm can come beyond Earth. As tornadoes and tsunamis affect us on a micro-global scale, asteroids and comets affect us on a macro-global scale. Most of us think of the our existence as a one system entity where earth is the system and what goes on in the earth are the changes to the system. But we need to break that and start to image our reality as a two system entity where yes, we do have changes on the system on Earth but there is a larger system of the universe that be belong to. Both of these systems work simultaneously together and are dependent; We can’t ignore this system or else we wont be prepared when doomsday comes.

Here is a video by Gregg Easterbrook whom leads an illustrated tour through the
treacherous world of space rocks. Video taken from

Taken from

Breakthrough ideas have a way of seeming obvious in retro­spect, and about a decade ago, a Columbia University geophysicist named Dallas Abbott had a breakthrough idea. She had been pondering the craters left by comets and asteroids that smashed into Earth. Geologists had counted them and concluded that space strikes are rare events and had occurred mainly during the era of primordial mists. But, Abbott realized, this deduction was based on the number of craters found on land—and because 70 percent of Earth’s surface is water, wouldn’t most space objects hit the sea? So she began searching for underwater craters caused by impacts rather than by other forces, such as volcanoes. What she has found is spine-chilling: evidence that several enormous asteroids or comets have slammed into our planet quite recently, in geologic terms. If Abbott is right, then you may be here today, reading this magazine, only because by sheer chance those objects struck the ocean rather than land.

Abbott believes that a space object about 300 meters in diameter hit the Gulf of Carpentaria, north of Australia, in 536 A.D. An object that size, striking at up to 50,000 miles per hour, could release as much energy as 1,000 nuclear bombs. Debris, dust, and gases thrown into the atmosphere by the impact would have blocked sunlight, temporarily cooling the planet—and indeed, contemporaneous accounts describe dim skies, cold summers, and poor harvests in 536 and 537. “A most dread portent took place,” the Byzantine historian Procopius wrote of 536; the sun “gave forth its light without brightness.” Frost reportedly covered China in the summertime. Still, the harm was mitigated by the ocean impact. When a space object strikes land, it kicks up more dust and debris, increasing the global-cooling effect; at the same time, the combination of shock waves and extreme heating at the point of impact generates nitric and nitrous acids, producing rain as corrosive as battery acid. If the Gulf of Carpentaria object were to strike Miami today, most of the city would be leveled, and the atmospheric effects could trigger crop failures around the world.

What’s more, the Gulf of Carpentaria object was a skipping stone compared with an object that Abbott thinks whammed into the Indian Ocean near Madagascar some 4,800 years ago, or about 2,800 B.C. Researchers generally assume that a space object a kilometer or more across would cause significant global harm: widespread destruction, severe acid rain, and dust storms that would darken the world’s skies for decades. The object that hit the Indian Ocean was three to five kilometers across, Abbott believes, and caused a tsunami in the Pacific 600 feet high—many times higher than the 2004 tsunami that struck Southeast Asia. Ancient texts such as Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh support her conjecture, describing an unspeakable planetary flood in roughly the same time period. If the Indian Ocean object were to hit the sea now, many of the world’s coastal cities could be flattened. If it were to hit land, much of a continent would be leveled; years of winter and mass starvation would ensue.

Other scientists are making equally unsettling discoveries. Only in the past few decades have astronomers begun to search the nearby skies for objects such as asteroids and comets (for convenience, let’s call them “space rocks”). What they are finding suggests that near-Earth space rocks are more numerous than was once thought, and that their orbits may not be as stable as has been assumed. There is also reason to think that space rocks may not even need to reach Earth’s surface to cause cataclysmic damage. Our solar system appears to be a far more dangerous place than was previously believed.

Beyond the Kuiper Belt may lie the hypothesized Oort Cloud, thought to contain as many as trillions of comets. If the Oort Cloud does exist, the number of extant comets is far greater than was once believed. Some astronomers now think that short-period comets, which swing past the sun frequently, hail from the relatively nearby Kuiper Belt, whereas comets whose return periods are longer originate in the Oort Cloud.

In 1980, only 86 near-Earth asteroids and comets were known to exist. By 1990, the figure had risen to 170; by 2000, it was 921; as of this writing, it is 5,388. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, part of NASA, keeps a running tally at Ten years ago, 244 near-Earth space rocks one kilometer across or more—the size that would cause global calamity—were known to exist; now 741 are. Of the recently discovered nearby space objects, NASA has classified 186 as “impact risks” (details about these rocks are at And because most space-rock searches to date have been low-budget affairs, conducted with equipment designed to look deep into the heavens, not at nearby space, the actual number of impact risks is undoubtedly much higher. Extrapolating from recent discoveries, NASA estimates that there are perhaps 20,000 potentially hazardous asteroids and comets in the general vicinity of Earth.

There’s still more bad news. Earth has experienced several mass extinctions—the dinosaurs died about 65 million years ago, and something killed off some 96 percent of the world’s marine species about 250 million years ago. Scientists have generally assumed that whatever caused those long-ago mass extinctions—comet impacts, extreme volcanic activity—arose from conditions that have changed and no longer pose much threat. It’s a comforting notion—but what about the mass extinction that occurred close to our era?

About 12,000 years ago, many large animals of North America started disappearing—woolly mammoths, saber-toothed cats, mastodons, and others. Some scientists have speculated that Paleo-Indians may have hunted some of the creatures to extinction. A millennia-long mini–Ice Age also may have been a factor. But if that’s the case, what explains the disappearance of the Clovis People, the best-documented Paleo-Indian culture, at about the same time? Their population stretched as far south as Mexico, so the mini–Ice Age probably was not solely responsible for their extinction.

A team of researchers led by Richard Firestone, of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in California, recently announced the discovery of evidence that one or two huge space rocks, each perhaps several kilometers across, exploded high above Canada 12,900 years ago. The detonation, they believe, caused widespread fires and dust clouds, and disrupted climate patterns so severely that it triggered a prolonged period of global cooling. Mammoths and other species might have been killed either by the impact itself or by starvation after their food supply was disrupted. These conclusions, though hotly disputed by other researchers, were based on extensive examinations of soil samples from across the continent; in strata from that era, scientists found widely distributed soot and also magnetic grains of iridium, an element that is rare on Earth but common in space. Iridium is the meteor-hunter’s lodestar: the discovery of iridium dating back 65 million years is what started the geologist Walter Alvarez on his path-breaking theory about the dinosaurs’ demise.

To view the entire article, click HERE

Posted by: D.Dig

Survivalists preparing for Doomsday?

16 05 2008


Recent problems with the climate and global economies have led some individuals to start preparing for Doomsday. These individuals all across the world are preparing for the worst by storing valuable information on hard disks, stockpiling not only food and water but also guns and ammunitions. It is not explicit if they are preparing for 2012 but rather a general collapse of society.

Survivalists believe in preparing against the worst: stockpiling food and guns.
Caption and Image taken from

Taken from

Derek is compiling a survival guide on how to cope after the total collapse of society. It is, as you can imagine, a big job. Already he has 58.8 gigabytes of material stored on his computer, he tells me impressively.

Many survivalists in the U.S. relocate to the northwestern state of Idaho, stockpiling food, and quite often guns and ammunition, and learning how to be self-sufficient in order to survive or “disappear.”

To those who have heard of it at all, survivalism is sometimes associated with extremist views. In the U.S., the movement has occasionally been hijacked by far-right groups attracted by its rejection of much of government and its fierce defense of the right to bear arms.

For defenders of the movement, like Jim Rawles who runs a survivalist blog and lives “in a very lightly populated region west of the Rockies” this perversion by a “lunatic fringe” distorts the true message of survivalism, which is, in many ways, just about personal freedom.

Derek, 60, who moved from London to the countryside in the southeast of England four years ago, puts it another way.

“There’s going to be absolute pandemonium when it does happen, so I just want to be prepared so that I’m not a burden on anyone,” he says.

What this disaster might be is anyone’s guess, says Derek, but he’s got his hunches.

Climate change is high up on the list. Also up there is the fallout from a global economic collapse, possibly resulting from a state of peak oil — the point where oil production reaches its peak and thereafter goes into freefall.

Even so, Derek suspects he may not live to see the meltdown he predicts is on its way.

This is perhaps why his own preparations are rather spartan. Aside from the survival manual, he has a backpack filled with a few essentials – what survivalists term a “bug-out.” He keeps the rucksack in the trunk of his car; it contains a stove, dried food, blankets, boots, clothes and “a spare set of me and the wife’s pills.”

Jim Rawles is taking no such chances. A former U.S. army intelligence officer, he lives on a ranch in an undisclosed location with his wife (who he refers to in his blog affectionately as “the Memsahib”) and their children.

Their life is almost entirely self-sufficient: They keep livestock, hunt elk and the children are schooled at home. Stored away in the ranch somewhere is a three-year supply of food.

For a city dweller it sounds almost idyllic, though Rawles — a gently spoken and affable man — insists it’s a lot of hard work.

“The majority of survivalists live in suburban areas and they see a life away from that as an ideal,” he says. “Unfortunately, from a practical standpoint it’s not possible so I think for some of these people we’re living out their fantasies.”

When he’s not looking after the ranch or re-ordering the food supply, he devotes much of his time to the blog, which he says now receives up to 70,000 visits a week.

A life-long devotee of survivalism — he had his first “bug-out” packed when he was just 14 — the 48-year-old has become an unofficial spokesman for the movement.

He has penned a number of books on preparedness, including a novel called “Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse.” Set in the near future, it imagines a period of hyperinflation and socio-economic collapse, providing guidance on how to cope.

Although a work of fiction, Rawles believes the reality is not far off.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that the biggest lynchpin is the power grid. If it were to go down, either through economic collapse or a terrorist atrocity, then the cities are going to become unglued.”

Of course, none of this kind of talk is that new. The nature of the threat may have changed but groups of various descriptions have been predicting a breakdown of society since biblical times — and very occasionally they’ve been right.

What does seem to have changed, according to Rawles, is the type of people willing to take that threat seriously.

Not only does he believe that the movement is experiencing its largest growth since the late 1970s, but he counts among the new converts an increasing number of greens and left-wingers.

“They’re worried by peak oil; the climate shift; the fragility of the economy. They share a lot of the same concerns as our conservative readers,” he says.

But with so many possible doomsday scenarios to choose from, isn’t it difficult to know what preparations to make?

Rawles says you need to be versatile. For example, a home shelter, he says, should be able to serve as a storm shelter against hurricanes, a pantry, a secure room for storing weapons, and as a fallout bunker in the event of nuclear attack.

It all sounds vaguely terrifying — but Rawles insists he’s not being paranoid.

“I really don’t consider it alarmist, and knowing what I know about the fragility of society I wouldn’t sleep soundly if I hadn’t taken the preparations that I have.”

To view the entire article, click HERE

Second Coming of Christ: Is he already here?

15 05 2008


The Second coming of Christ. According to the bible, Jesus will come down when we least expect it take the pure souls to the gates of heaven while leaving the sinners to receive judgment in 2011 while finalizing in 2012. The bible explicitly says that upon the coming of the end of times, there will be many false prophets. We see this in the book of Matthew, 2 Corinthians, and 2 Peter.

Matthew 24:11

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many

Matthew 24:24

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect

2 Corinthians 11:13-14

For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light

2 Peter 2:1

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction

With the end times coming, where are these false prophets as the bible talks about? They are sprouting up everywhere! The two major self-proclaimed prophets, even going far enough to call themselves the “New Christ” or “the son of God” are José Luis De Jesús Miranda and David Shayler

José Luis De Jesús Miranda, self proclaimed anti-Christ believes he is the second coming of Christ. Most individuals believe that the anti-Christ is the evil embodiment of Christ but according to José Luis De Jesús Miranda, this is a misinterpretation of the biblical scripture. He even goes far enough to say that the numerical value of 666, most notable referred to as the sign of the devil is actual the symbol for the anti-Christ; meaning the second coming of Christ or new Christ. In the interview with a CNN correspondent, José Luis De Jesús Miranda says, “666, the Antichrist, do not put your eyes on Jesus Christ of Nazareth… put it in Jesus Christ after the cross”. Mr. Luis De Jesús Miranda Miranda then goes on to say, “thats him, [the anti-Christ]”.

Later in the interview, José Luis De Jesús Miranda makes another radically bold statement stating that, “he does greater things than Jesus of Nazareth… much greater”. Even with all this self-proclamation going around, there is one positive thing that José Luis De Jesús Miranda is not going to do… that is to not following in the footsteps of the Jones Town Massacre. José Luis De Jesús Miranda states that “hes here to give life, [not take it away]”

Here is the video of the CNN report segment

José Luis De Jesús Miranda was also on Headline Primes Glenn’s Beck program. Glenn Beck practically makes fun of José Luis De Jesús Miranda authenticity and tells the views that hes a ex-heroin addict… Here is the video from Headline Primes Glenn Beck program

Also, here is an article by the HoustonPress about José Luis De Jesús Miranda. Its an excellent supplemental read for anyone interested in this “new Jesus Christ”. Click HERE to view article.

In conjunction to José Luis De Jesús Miranda, David Shayler (pictured below) believes that he also is the son of God. In an interview with Mr. Shayler, he makes claims that “his name derives from the 13th Name of God in Kabbalah…[and] can affect the weather, prevent terrorist attacks and influence football results”. Mr. Shayler also admits in the article to smoke cannabis on a daily basis and one can infer that he is consuming mushrooms. He even admits that these drugs make him hallucinate but it makes him closer to “the light”.


David Shayler dressed is messianic white.
Image taken from

Taken from

David Shayler is sitting before me – slim, tanned, sockless, dressed from top-to-toe in white and very, very chatty.

“I am the messiah and hold the secret of eternal life,” he starts excitedly. “It all came about quite suddenly.

“First I started meditating, then I learnt how to channel the “light”, and the more research I did – into Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, Kabbalah – the more convinced I became that I was the Christ.”

Jesus Christ? “No, Jesus of the New Testament is an archetype,” he explains patiently. “His name derives from the 13th Name of God in Kabbalah, which helps activate the Messiah consciousness within us.

“I was, though, crucified with a crown of thorns and nails then incarnated as Astronges, a Jewish revolutionary put to death by the Romans at around the end of the last century BC …It explained why in this life I had funny shaped wrists and ankles…”

Had? “Yes, look,” he says, proffering his tanned arms. “They’ve pretty much corrected themselves now I’ve acknowledged the crucifixion – but there used to be big hollows where nails had been bashed in.”

“It was in June that a psychic channelled the spirit of Mary Magdalene and anointed me the messiah and, finally, my whole life made sense.

I realised why I seem to get such a strange deal from the universe, when I’ve spent my life trying to tell the truth about everything.”

He also claims he can affect the weather, prevent terrorist attacks and influence football results. Oh, and that the Rod of Aaron – the staff said to have been carried by Moses’s brother – has an anagram written on it in Hebrew which translated says: ‘David Shayler, Righteous King’.

“I was decoding it – after all, that’s what I was trained to do – and I suddenly realised it goes David S, H, A… and that someone’s trying to tell me, because this is the ineffable name of God, someone’s trying to tell you you’re God…”

“On 28 June, I was told I had to remove darkness from London. I wasn’t sure what it was all about, but I stayed up all night meditating and, the next morning, I heard a bomb had been found but no one had been hurt. That was my miracle.”

He has an answer for everything, even when I ask if he ever takes drugs.

“Of course I do. I smoke cannabis but it’s been used in religious experiences for years. Oh and magic mushrooms…”

In large quantities? “Erm, not really. I smoke cannabis every day – it makes you more spiritual and less violent and takes you closer to the light.”

And makes you hallucinate?

“Yes, if you’re not used to it, but I am,” he insists firmly.

To view the entire article, click HERE

Posted by: D.Dig

Michael Tsarion – radical views on the world

14 05 2008

Digg!Michale Tsarion, a conspiracy theorist specializing in religion, symbolism, sidereal astrology, mythology, the occult, and Atlantis has many lectures and is a believer in the ancient records of the end of times or if one wants to call it the end of the world in December 2012. Below are 2 major lectures that touch on many subjects but do pay some attention to the Maya civilization and Doomsday in 2012 towards the end of each video.
2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday

Michael Tsarion – “Origins of Evil”
This 13 part video touches on many topics which all relate to 2012. One of the major topics important for our concerns is the idea of doomsday in 2012 as predicted by the Maya civilization. He believes that as the Maya predicted, the photon belt will end our world. He talks about this around Part 10-13. I will post the entire lecture for anyone interested but if you are strickly interested in the 2012 Doomsday theory and the Maya civilization, skip to the end of Part X or beginning of Part XI. He believes that the ancients tell us about our problems and offer solutions to our current “state of decay”. Other topics unconcerning for our research include: altantis and alien seeding from distant planets.
Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya
Part I:

2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday


2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday

Part III:

2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday

Part IV:

2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday

Part V:

Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya

Part VI:

Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya

Part VII:

Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan

Part VIII:

Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan Mayan

Part XI:

Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya

Part X: Towards the end of this video starts the 2012 Doomsday Theory

2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday

Part XI:

2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday

Part XII:

2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday

Part XIII:

2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday 2012 doomsday

Michael Tsarion – “The Future of Mankind”
Another lecture by Mr. Tsarion. This also has doomsday theories towards the end.

Do you think that Michael Tsarion is crazy? Are his ideas ridiculous? You are not the only one. Here is a podcast by “Nowhere to run” which debunks all the ideas of Michael Tsarion

CLICK HERE to jump to the podcast that debunks Michael Tsarion ideas.

Posted by: D.Dig

NASA holding Press Conference on Planet X?

13 05 2008

Digg!A recent Press release from the says Nasa will “Announce Success of [a] Long Galactic Hunt”. Could this be the Planet X findings that has been rumored for the last couple months/years? The teleconference will air on May 14, 2008 and we will officially know what NASA has found.

Taken from

WASHINGTON — NASA has scheduled a media teleconference Wednesday, May 14, at 1 p.m. EDT, to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years. This finding was made by combining data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory with ground-based observations.

A video file about the discovery will air on NASA Television on May 14. NASA TV is carried on an MPEG-2 digital signal accessed via satellite AMC-6, at 72 degrees west longitude, transponder 17C, 4040 MHz, vertical polarization. NASA TV is available in Alaska and Hawaii on AMC-7 at 137 degrees west longitude, transponder 18C, at 4060 MHz, horizontal polarization.

To view the entire article, click HERE

Posted by: D.Dig

Illustration of Nibiru’s historic effects on the Earth

12 05 2008

Digg!Found some images that I found very interesting about Nibiru (Planet X) and Earth. Below is a basic timeline corrodinating global events/disasters/doomsday with Planet X flyby’s. The first known flyby may have lead to the Ice age and the next scheduled flyby is December 2012. What will happen then? We can only speculate what will happen in 2012 during the flyby, but are we preparing for the next possible ice age, pole shift, or even global disaster/doomsday?


Image taken from ChurchofCriticalThinking

Something is not right here…

11 05 2008

Digg!Take a look at the following photos… something is not right here. Remember, these are not photoshopped in any way… these are photos of Ieronimus Cathedral, built by Episcope de Salamanca in 1102 A.D.




Do you see it? Whats wrong with this picture…. (do not scroll down unless you want to see the answer)







still don’t see it?


Its an ASTRONAUT carved in stone on an Ancient Temple in Salamanca. Very strange… please post comments and tell me what you think of this anomaly.

All images taken from

To view the entire article, click HERE